I felt bad about skipping a couple of weeks of blogging, but then I started looking through our recent photos and realized that we've barely been home, much less able to sit in front of a computer for more than a few minutes at a time.
Spring is always super-busy around here with two birthdays and Mother's Day.
What did I do for Mother's Day? Well, I got to help out the kids' handbell choir at church for their big performance of Coldplay's "Viva la Vida". Yes, you read that combination correctly - handbell choir and "Viva la Vida". I know it sounds strange, but it was awesome. And I'm not just saying that because my kid's in the choir.
Syd played the same song for her piano recital last month so even though it is a great song, I'm fairly tired of it at this point. I still find myself humming either the bass line or melody at least once day.
The next day was Syd's tenth birthday. Ten. Double digits. An entire decade. I'm telling you, I don't feel old until I consider how old my kids are getting. Well, that and the fact that my knees hurt every time it's about to rain.
But I digress. Ten years old. And what does a ten year old want for her birthday these days?
That's right - her very own iPad mini!
(Don't worry - we're not spoiling her because she had to pay for half of it.)
Two days later, Evan had his 5th birthday. I fretted over the lack of RSVPs from his class, but it turned out fine. Two classmates, two church friends, a neighbor and two siblings (and a friend for the opposite gender sibling who cried because she was soooooooo lonely) was plenty for his party. I learned my lesson from last year and just let the kids play the whole time. I didn't even bake a fancy cake; the kids decorated their own cupcakes instead.
But they weren't bored. We found this at a garage sale a few months ago:
(Not the kid - the water slide. We've had that kid for about six and a half years now.)
Best garage sale find ever.
The kids stayed busy and had a blast:
And when it got hole in it toward the end of the party, we pulled out the giant bucket full of water balloons. Ten minutes, a few tears and a couple of wet parents later, it was over. I'd forgotten how much kids love water balloons. Parents not so much when they get beaned by a few.
We couldn't pass up LegoFest the next day, either:
The kids thought it was fun, but I find it ironic that Legos, something that quiet, introverted kids (and parents) love, have such a huge, noisy, chaotic convention. It was basically an introvert's nightmare. Anyway, learned our lesson on that one.
And then there was Evan's pre-school graduation, the ill-fated camping trip, an elementary school talent show and the two awards assemblies that I have to drag Evan to next week as Syd and Liam's school finishes out the year.
And then I can sleep.
William | Olympia Newborn Photographer
10 months ago