Backstory: Our church has a weeklong camp in which the kids get to focus on their favorite hobbies and interests and try out new ones. There are classes for science, woodworking, fishing, photography, art, etc. Liam chose Legos for his primary class - no surprise there. Syd chose Hogwarts Academy for her primary class. While her Harry Potter obsession may have waned, she still adores the stories and mentions something from the books at least once a week.
So in preparation for her class (which, according to the mom running it, is going to be loads of fun), Syd has been re-reading all of the books this summer. She's currently on the sixth one and as quickly as she reads now, I have no doubt she'll finish the seventh by next Monday.
Since my little overachiever is determined to be the most knowledgeable student in her class, she asked me to quiz her on Harry Potter details. While I've read the books and I enjoyed the story, I quickly ran out of quiz questions so we turned to Sporcle for some trivia questions.
One of the quizzes gave us a list of first names for 50 or so characters and we had to type in the last names for those characters. These quizzes are timed and she can't type very fast, so she stood behind me and shouted out the answers for me to type for her.
It went something like this:
Q: Harry
A: Potter! (because she was excited and shouted the answers at the back of my head)
Q: Ron
A: Weasley!
Q: Albus
A: Dumbledore!
All was well until we got to a certain name and I wound up laughing so hard at her answer we had to pause the game. What got me so tickled?
Q: Colin
A: Firth!
The answer is Colin Creevey, but my sweet girl has obviously lived with me for so long that a bit of me has rubbed off on her.
I still chuckle when I think about it.
I don't know that Ryan found it all that funny, though. I don't know if he can handle two Colin Firth obsessed females in the house. :)
On a related note, I saw the trailer for a new movie called Austenland the other day and about died laughing. I definitely have to go see this movie. Too bad it's rated PG-13; otherwise, I'd take Syd with me and make a girls' day of it.
Guess I'll just have to drag poor Ryan to it instead.
William | Olympia Newborn Photographer
11 months ago