It wouldn't be a complete day in our household without at least one conversation involving poop. Just the other day we had two conversations regarding the stuff.
Conversation #1:
Me: (Sniffing) Ick. Who pooped? Liam?
Liam: I no pooped. Evan pooped.
Me: Evan, did you go poo poo?
Evan: (Vigorous shaking of head)
Me: Then it must have been Sydney.
Sydney: I didn't go poop in a diaper.
Me: I sure hope not. They don't make diapers for people your size.
Sydney: Yes they do. They make Grandma-sized ones. I saw them in her room before she died.
I stand corrected.
Conversation #2:
Ryan: Yuck. What's that smell? (He knew good and well what the smell was.)
Sydney: I think it's whatever Mommy's cooking for dinner.
Ryan: No, it's not. Go apologize to your mother.
For the record, Evan pooped. I promise that my chicken tacos don't smell that bad.
William | Olympia Newborn Photographer
11 months ago
Oh, I am sorry but I am laughing my head off!! You better watch out for Sydney...she appears to have Ryan's sense of humor!