With Sydney at school and Liam napping, I decided to sit down and watch part of a movie (only after completing several chores - I don't want you to think I'm totally lazy). After scrolling through the tv listings, I settled on "The Money Pit". I haven't seen it in years and despite the fact that it was made in 1986 (boy, do I feel old), it is so true to life.
I'm sure I laughed the first time I saw it, but this time, I was laughing so hard I nearly choked on my glass of water. If you haven't seen it, Shelley Long and Tom Hanks buy a house that is literally falling apart at the seams. Physical humor ensues and months later, the house is finally not only habitable, but beautiful.
I guess you can call our 80 year old bungalow our "money pit." Every time we go to fix or replace one thing, we wind up dealing with several more issues and making numerous trips to Home Depot. I don't know how many times we've uttered the phrase, "What were these people thinking?" while working on a project. Really, why would you put a gutter over the front door and not make sure it covered the whole length of the door? Why would you not include a full tub and shower in the only bathroom in the house?
While we love our house and neighborhood, sometimes I long to live in a brand new McMansion out in the 'burbs. But despite the problems we've had with it, we generally get a laugh out of dealing with the issues that come with living in an old home. And after looking at what else we need to do around here, I think many more laughs are in our future.
William | Olympia Newborn Photographer
11 months ago
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